On Monday, July 3, at 4:38am Pacific, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn at 11°18. The Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and Mercury, who are cozying up in Cancer, just three degrees apart. Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus are waving hello to the whole crew, forming sextiles and trines to the luminaries and Mercury.
The scene is relatively calm. The Moon doesn't love to be in Capricorn, where it's lacking the abundant care of Cancer. But today's lunation feels like a firming up of the emotional boundaries we've been practicing these past six months, since our Capricorn New Moon on December 23, 2022.
Where were you then? How have you grown since? What have you (re)committed to?
This lunation gives us the opportunity to step more fully into our magic, while honoring the ancestors who helped us come to be who we are today. Below, I'll share some of the major themes I'm noticing with this full moon, plus a three-card tarot spread to root us in the vibes for the next two weeks and beyond.
But first, here's a Full Moon in Capricorn playlist to nod to as you read.
Saturn in Pisces invites us into stillness
The ruler of today's Full Moon in Capricorn is Saturn, now retrograde at 7° Pisces. This provides compassionate scaffolding to anything that comes up now. In Pisces, Saturn's job is to teach us how to be wise and loving at once — how to practice boundaried compassion so we don't over-give or enable others. You might notice themes around emotional and spiritual boundaries coming up a lot these next two weeks as we slide toward the Cancer New Moon, and even more so over the next six months.
One of the most effective boundaries is stillness. When we're compelled to leap into action before considering the consequences, coming back to our center and connecting with our intuition can be a powerful grounding practice. This is the sacred pause that prevents us from unwise action. Saturn wants us to stop and consider where we're going first. And with the Moon in Capricorn, our inner knowing is the best compass.
Full Moon in Capricorn connects us to our ancestors
It's common to see intuition as a private, individual experience of knowing. But could it also be a direct line to our ancestors? With the Moon in Capricorn, it's likely that any intuitive hits we get now are partly the inherited wisdom of our lineage. Capricorn is often described as the daddy of the zodiac. But it can also show up as the crone — the wise grandmother or femme elder who carries potent medicine within.
Connecting with crone energy can be a powerful way to tap into our ancestral power this full moon. What gifts have you inherited from your lineage? What gratitude have you not yet expressed? How can you pay homage? We often see our ancestors in black and white — only light or only shadow. This lunation is an opportunity to consider both, and to appreciate how much we'll never know.
A three-card tarot spread for the Full Moon in Capricorn
Every new and full moon, I ask three questions: What is the anchor? What is the challenge? What is the gift? Below, you can see the tarot's answers, channeled with the help of my guides.
BTW — I decided to do something extra: an extended audio reading for my patrons, plus a visualization to help us connect with our lineage and our guides. You can become a patron for as little as $6/month to listen to the audio, and get all the other juicy benefits.
The Anchor: Ten of Pentacles
These next two weeks, we have an opportunity to do deep some healing around ancestral patterns of insecurity and neglect. Ask yoursef what you truly need and how you can better care for yourself. Express radical gratitude for all the unseen support you receive from your guides and ancestors. Like the skeletal system that supports our bodies, our helpers are rarely seen but always there, providing the scaffolding we need to support our our dreams. Consider the material and immaterial gifts you've received from them — and use them wisely.
The Challenge: Ten of Swords (Reversed)
As we tune into our lineage, we might recognize the ways self-defeating beliefs have trickled down the line to reach us. With Mercury in Cancer opposing the Moon, we can open the windows of the mind and allow fresh air to flow in. But it will take awareness first. And to get aware, we have to be present with what's there. Listen to the way you speak to yourself. Notice the painful thoughts that chase you. Acknowledge there's more to be healed. Ask the Moon to help you end generational patterns of self-harm.
The Gift: Three of Pentacles (Reversed)
Where is discord and lack of collaboration a theme in your life right now? Where do you feel at odds with the people you're meant to be co-creating with? The Three of Pentacles in reverse is helping us recognize what's not working so we can adapt our strategy. Maybe someone isn't keeping their word. Maybe we're not. What needs to be rearranged and reimagined in order for us to work together? The gift is in the answer. When you accept your role in chaotic collaborations, you can more easily move into peace.
Have a beautiful full moon 🌕
This lunation brings some very real opportunities for healing and maturation. You'll likely notice its impact through the end of the year, but the most noticeable shifts are happening now. This is a time to be with what is. Because whatever is "up" now will be evolving over the next six months, as we move toward the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, and close out the cycle that began in December 2022.
Own it! Own your growth. Consider this a Saturnian checkpoint that can help you wise up. And seize the opportunity to move more deeply into your personal magic, while recognizing that much of what you have now has been gifted to you by the unseen. It doesn't make you any less magical to honor your roots. It doesn't make you any less wise to recognize your teachers.
If you're interested in the personal themes that are coming up for you this lunation, you can book a live tarot reading or purchase a recorded reading (under Services). I'd love to help you navigate the moment and discover the personal meaning this Full Moon is bringing up for you.