Learn more about my background, education, ethics, and values before booking with me.
astrologer, diviner, writer, activist, witch
I'm Jana (she/they). I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I spend most of my time studying the stars and playing with cards.
Astrology found me on the brink of my Saturn Return in 2018, when I was deeply disenchanted with my life and struggling to move forward. My natal chart was the key that unlocked the rest of my life. I've never been the same — in the best possible way — and I'm honored to share the gifts of astrology and divination with the world.
Below, you can find pretty much everything you might want to know about me before booking. If you'd like more info, I encourage you to connect with me on social or book a 10-minute consult.

I'm a queer, leftist, anti-capitalist, and abolitionist human living in the so-called United States. I come from a mixed race family, but I'm white-appearing and primarily of European descent. I recognize the complexity of my role as an occupier with ample privilege. A big part of my focus as a practitioner — and an ordinary human — is the lifelong work of decolonizing my mind and my work. I make mistakes regularly and welcome critical feedback when I do.
I don't identify with any organized religion, but I was raised in a non-denominational Christian church and I've learned a whole lot from Buddhist and Hindu teachings. My magical lineage is a bit of a mystery. Although I'm aware I come from psychic witch ancestors, I wasn't raised with any direct access or exposure to these practices. A big part of my personal journey is reconnecting to the lost wisdom of my lineage.
Below are the core values that underly my work.
Ruled by my natal Venus in Pisces, compassion is a guiding force in my life. I find it natural, necessary, and freeing to care deeply about the wellbeing of all.
Relationships in their most divine form enable us to return to ourselves. When working with clients, I focus on the ways you can be your own hero and healer.
Individual healing asks us to free ourselves from the traps of old conditioning. Collective healing requires us to set each other free. It is my duty and honor to help.
I'm trained in a variety of modalities, and I've outlined the key courses I've completed here with links to my teachers' sites for reference (and as a nudge to follow these amazing humans).
Completed Trainings
Reiki Level I Certification (Usui/Holy Fire®) in 2020 by Krista Rosen of West Hills Reiki
1st Year Astro Empowerment in 2021 with Portland School of Astrology (led by JP Hawthorne and Amanda Moreno, along with many other gifted teachers)
Integrative Somatic Parts Work Levels I, II & III in 2022 with Frances D. Booth LICSW
Soul Stories Evolutionary Astrology Immersion 2022 - 2023 with Amanda Moreno of Aquarian Spirals
In Progress
Tarot School for Liberation with Corinna Rosella
In addition to the courses and teachers above, I've been heavily influenced by the work of the following activists, astrologers, healers, tarot practitioners, and teachers (in alphabetical order). This list is, of course, non-exhaustive!

I'm predominantly European (Irish, British, French, Spanish, and Ukranian) and East Asian (Filipino), with a smattering of other stuff. My parents are both children of immigrants. My French-Ukrainian maternal grandmother escaped France during WWII and my Filipino-Irish paternal grandfather gained citizenship by fighting for the U.S. in Japan.
Both of my grandfathers were captured and imprisoned during WWII, and lived with undiagnosed and untreated PTSD. Alcoholism, domestic violence, neglect, and abuse are prevalent on both sides of my family, as is complex PTSD. I'm mostly estranged from my extended family and expect to be for the remainder of my life. It's the healthiest choice for me, and I avidly support my fellow black sheep.
My childhood was traumatic. From birth, I was caught in the crossfire of my parents' custody battle and subject to ongoing abuse and neglect by my father, a right-wing extremist. I've spent years dissecting and healing my trauma through a variety of modalities, and divesting from the bigotry I was raised under. It's a lifelong process. In the past four years, Internal Family Systems (IFS) has been fundamental in my healing, alongside my spiritual practices.
I studied at UC Santa Barbara, where I double-majored in Psychology and English Literature with a minor in Literature and the Mind. I received my B.A. in 2012. I worked as a copy editor and Opinion editor at the school's student-run newspaper my junior and senior year. These years were formative in reshaping my politics and my values.

I come from a lower middle class family, but I attended K-12 in one of the wealthiest suburbs in LA County. While financial scarcity was a constant reality for us, especially in comparison to my peers, I benefited from growing up proximal to wealth and got to experience a good deal of secondhand privilege. I was able to attend college at UC Santa Barbara with the help of scholarships, financial aid, and my mom's tireless work, and it offered me a solid foundation to build on that continues to benefit me today.
In 2013 I moved to San Francisco with the hopes of entering publishing. I worked in bars and restaurants before landing my first salaried role as a customer support rep for a small startup. Later, I entered marketing and worked for a variety of companies before burning out and going freelance in 2018. A two-year health crisis drained my spirit and my savings, which radicalized me and led me further away from the work I'd been doing in my 20s. It ultimately sent me down the path I'm now on.
That period occurred during the build-up to my Saturn Return — and it was the beginning of my love affair with astrology and tarot. I continued freelancing to support myself and began immersing myself in courses, books, and self-guided study in my spare time. I never dreamed that it might be my job someday. Today, I still freelance to support myself and fund this business. My hope is to shift my focus completely to this work by 2026. Your support makes all the difference, so thank you for being here!